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Ever going through something or just feeling sad while having people constantly tell you "focus on yourself, because self-care is the best thing you can do for yourself!"? Yeah me too.

But do you ever step back and really think, what the hell is self-care? Here's my take on it:

First off, those people around you are right. Self-care is so important whether you're going through something or not because it affects your mental health and your productivity significantly! We're constantly caught up with our daily lives, tasks, meetings, that we often forget to take a step back and do something for ourselves.

1. Journaling.

I noted journaling first because I've been doing this recently to sort out my thoughts and emotions and just taking a few minutes to do that has altered my happiness significantly. I didn't do the traditional, "Dear Journal," but rather broke down what I wanted to think about and essentially make lists. It helped me organize my thoughts and there was one section where I wrote about what I wanted to achieve in my 20's and that was honestly so fun! Not only is this productive in general, but it puts your mindset in a more organized and productive space, allowing you to pave a clear pathway.

2. Disconnect.

We are in a constant state of being connected. The only difference from 10 years ago to now is that we're virtually connected through our smartphones and the internet. I'm guilty of this too, spending way too much time on Instagram and Facebook, forgetting to look up at the world around me and all of its possibilities. Try disconnecting. Even if you have obligations that require you to be on social media, turn off your notifications and go on when you have to- you'll forget it’s even there! Pick up a book, meet up with friends for a hike or coffee, do what you need to do. It’s insane how difficult it is to let go of our phones and just be fully present in the world around us but it isn't impossible.

I challenge you to try this. Turn off your notifications if you have to be on social. If you don't, delete the app for a week or more even. Today around noon, I realized that the first thing I did today was not going on social media, especially Instagram and it felt great.

If it’s hard for you to do for yourself, do it with your friends! Challenge yourselves not to be on your phones when you meet up and see who will last!
3. Take time for yourself.

Now, this part may be hard, because if you're like me- how the hell does you take time for yourself?! I'll say taking time to myself is blogging or going on Instagram but in reality, that may not be the true definition of self-care. Honestly, I'm no mastermind and I'm still learning what self-care is. I know self-care feels the best when you just shift yourself into a positive environment whether that's physically or mentally.

I'll usually try to disconnect when I'm doing self-care. I'll take the time to do a face-mask and relax, read, go to yoga, or if you're insane like me- clean! Pay attention to the little things in life that bring you joy. Whether that's building an aesthetic for your room or taking a bath, do it all because spending your time doing that rather than scrolling on social media or constantly working will bring you a much more fulfilling and genuinely happy feeling.

Overall, I can't tell you what to do. Though, what I can tell you is that taking care of yourself is taking a breather and doing what makes you happy. If people are pressuring you to make plans and go out, it's okay to say no and stay in. It's freeing yourself from obligations.

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4. Let your thoughts flow.

This is the last thing I can suggest. Let your thoughts flow. Don't push them down or hide them and avoid them. Let them surface and feel all your emotions. Cry it out, go boxing to work out your anger, but let them out. Keeping your emotions bottled up and submerging your thoughts is unhealthy for your mental health and often, taking that minute for yourself to let everything flow feels so good after. If you need someone to talk to, do that too. Talk to your friends, your parents, siblings, a therapist, whoever you can confide in if you're going through something difficult.

5. Switch our music for a podcast.

I know we all love music, but what I've been enjoying more lately has been podcasts! I think they're a great alternative to music because each episode is unique in its own way and you learn so much. You can listen to something simple where people just talk about every day life, or you can listen to successful CEO's telling their story about how they got to where they are, there are endless possibilities. It's not what people usually turn to when they want to listen to something, but hey it never hurts to step out of the box and try something new!

6. Travel. Explore.

This option may not be for everyone because of time and financial factors but if you get the chance, do it! Whether its a road trip or hopping on a flight to another state/country, spontaneous trips are always the most memorable ones! Sometimes, it's also fun to travel on your own. I've done that in LA and it was defiantly an interesting experience.

Remember that self-care is not just physical activities. It's also a mental challenge, and don't be afraid to confront it. I believe in you! Now I'm going to do my self-care by reading a good book, lighting a candle, snuggling up in my blanket with …

Remember that self-care is not just physical activities. It's also a mental challenge, and don't be afraid to confront it. I believe in you!

Now I'm going to do my self-care by reading a good book, lighting a candle, snuggling up in my blanket with a cup of tea, and possibly Gilmore Girls!

I hope this helped. Take care.

xx Fiona


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